Aug 21, 2013

How to publish a school magazine

A school magazine is a periodical circulation of the compositions of the students and teachers of a school. To publish a school magazine the following rules are followed. First a committee is formed to publish magazine. The headmaster becomes the chairman of the committee, some senior teachers assist him, teacher becomes the editor and some brighter students of higher classes become the member of committee. Then a fund is raised and students are asked to contribute to fund. Some pages are sold for the advertisement to collect fund. The deficiency is mettle up from the general fund of the school. Next articles are invited from the students and teachers of the school. After that interesting articles are selected from all the collection. These articles are then corrected and by the editing teacher. Finally the articles are given to the press.


  1. Replies
    1. Really this is very helpful to me and also to you.

    2. Thank you sir for your help

  2. Replies
    1. who are you? you are a fool person.

    2. Ha..ha..ha loser parson. Very bad very bad....

  3. Also it is a very good and helps me in a difficult situation.THANK YOU

  4. Very helpful to me . I got many ideas for writing a process which my teacher gave me as a homework. Thank you

  5. Us it's very helpful to me. ThnkT you

  6. Blinding and priting point is not get paragraph
